Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A beautiful wednesday...

Today was a beautiful day! I admit, it was really hot for the first part of the day, but around 1:00 or 2:00pm, the breeze was cool and felt more like March, than June.
So to honor the beautiful day, me and Jesse decided to go on a bike ride. He had found some new roads that he wanted to show me......but before we could ride the bikes, he had to fix them..... :}
Jesse made this water-bottle-holder out of a PVC pipe, and
taped it to his bike.

(Normally I would turn this picture for you to
see, but I thought that I would switch it up
 and have you turn so that you can see it!)
This is a piece of trash that Jesse found on
our ride....I thought that it was an uncommonly
cute piece of trash, so here it is..... ;)

We found blackberries!! We think that they are hybrids
as they are still producing this late in the season.

A cute flower that we found.

S: "Hey lets stop so I can take a picture!"
J: "OK." (gets out and poses)
S: (looks at him funny, and then bends down to
take a picture of a flower.)
J: "OH, you mean of something besides me!?!?"


  1. Aww, how cool! I like bike rides, and fun bike rides are just even better. :) I think the ''cute peice of trash'' looked nice. I like how it looks old and rusty. :D

    Jesse's poses just never chang....

  2. How fun! It looks like a nice ride. :) I like the bottle holder, pretty creative! I love the bit with Jesse and the flower!

    Hey, his poses do change! You know, like, when he is being cool, and when he is being cool again....:P

  3. Looks and sounds like a fun Wednesday to me! :)

  4. Hehe... Ahhhhhhh, Jesse....... ;D
